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Top 50 Ways Into Hillsborough County Jail | Tampa

Here are some statistics from Tampa’s Hillsborough County Jail. We have collected the top 50 ways to end up in Tampa, Florida’s jail and have shared them below.
Understanding Arrest Statistics in Tampa, Florida
Here are some statistics from Tampa’s Hillsborough County Jail regarding various arrest reasons:
Top Reasons for Arrest:
- Drug-related charges
- Traffic violations
- Theft-related charges
Exploring Arrest Records:
We have reviewed a number of arrest records, and it appears there are numerous different ways that can lead to arrests for various criminal charges within this major metropolitan jail.
It’s important to note that engaging in illegal activities can have serious consequences, and we encourage everyone to follow the law and make responsible choices.
Drug and traffic charges dominate the Top Ten. Theft charges seem to take the second group of ten. We have reviewed a number of other arrest records and it appears there are 1656 different ways to end up arrested for criminal charges and inside of this major metropolitan jail. Lets take a look at the Top Ten.
Top 10 Ways to Get Arrested in One Florida County
1. Driving with License Canceled, Suspended, or Revoked (TRAF6075)
Statute: 322.34.2A
Level: Misdemeanor (2nd-degree)
Driving with a canceled, suspended, or revoked license is a 2nd-degree misdemeanor. Violating this law can lead to arrest if caught operating a vehicle without a valid driver’s license.
2. Possession of Cocaine (DRUG1101)
Statute: 893.13.6A
Level: Felony (3rd-degree)
Possession of cocaine is a 3rd-degree felony in Florida. Being found with this controlled substance can result in arrest and severe legal consequences.
3. Possession of Drug Paraphernalia (DRUG8100)
Statute: 893.147
Level: Misdemeanor (1st-degree)
Possessing drug paraphernalia, such as items for drug use, is a 1st-degree misdemeanor. Arrests can occur when individuals are found with these items.
4. Grand Theft 3rd Degree ($300 – $5,000) (THEF2001)
Statute: 812.014.2C1
Level: Felony (3rd-degree)
Grand theft of property valued between $300 and $5,000 is a 3rd-degree felony. Arrests are made for this crime, involving unlawful property taking.
5. Possession of Cannabis Less Than 20 Grams (DRUG2103)
Statute: 893.13.6B
Level: Misdemeanor (1st-degree)
Possession of less than 20 grams of cannabis is a 1st-degree misdemeanor. Arrests can occur when individuals are found with this amount of marijuana.
6. Battery (Domestic Violence) (BATT1002)
Statute: 784.03.1AB
Level: Misdemeanor (1st-degree)
Battery within a domestic violence context is a 1st-degree misdemeanor. Arrests are made for unlawful physical contact or harm against family or household members.
7. Driving Under the Influence (TRAF1012)
Statute: 316.193.1
Level: Misdemeanor (2nd-degree)
Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a 2nd-degree misdemeanor, leading to arrests and legal consequences.
8. Obstructing or Opposing an Officer Without Violence (COPS1000)
Statute: 843.02
Level: Misdemeanor (1st-degree)
Obstructing or opposing an officer without violence is a 1st-degree misdemeanor. Arrests can result when individuals interfere with law enforcement without using force.
9. Driving While License Revoked – Habitual Offender (TRAF6078)
Statute: 322.34.5
Level: Felony (3rd-degree)
Driving with a revoked license as a habitual offender is a 3rd-degree felony. It reflects repeated violations of traffic laws, leading to arrests.
10. Petit Theft ($100 or Less) (THEF1011)
Statute: 812.014.3A
Level: Misdemeanor (2nd-degree)
Petit theft of property valued at $100 or less is a 2nd-degree misdemeanor, resulting in arrests for unlawful property taking.
If you have been charged or Arrested you can call a Tampa Criminal Defense Attorney at (813) 222-2220 to Fight for You.
Top 50 Ways Into the Hillsborough County Jail
Ranking | Charge Description | Form Code | Statute | Level | Degree |
1. | Driving W/License Canc Susp Or Revoked | TRAF6075 | 322.34.2A | Misd | 2nd |
2. | Possession Of Cocaine | DRUG1101 | 893.13.6A | Fel | 3rd |
3. | Possession Of Drug Paraphernalia | DRUG8100 | 893.147. | Misd | 1st |
4. | Grand Theft 3rd ($300 – $5,000) | THEF2001 | 812.014.2C1 | Fel | 3rd |
5. | Possession Of Cannabis Less Than 20 Grams | DRUG2103 | 893.13.6B | Misd | 1st |
6. | Battery (Domestic Violence) | BATT1002 | 784.03.1AB | Misd | 1st |
7. | Driving Under The Influence | TRAF1012 | 316.193.1 | Misd | 2nd |
8. | Obstructing Or Opposing An Officer Without Vio | COPS1000 | 843.02. | Misd | 1st |
9. | Driving While License Revoked-Habitual Offendr | TRAF6078 | 322.34.5 | Fel | 3rd |
10. | Petit Theft ($100 Or Less) | THEF1011 | 812.014.3A | Misd | 2nd |
11. | Possession Of Controlled Substance | DRUG9101 | 893.13.6A | Fel | 3rd |
12. | Dealing In Stolen Property | THEF5000 | 812.019.1 | Fel | 2nd |
13. | Uttering A Forged Instrument | FORG2000 | 831.02. | Fel | 3rd |
14. | Battery (Touch Or Strike) | BATT1000 | 784.03.1AB | Misd | 1st |
15. | Trespass On Prop Other Than Structure Or Conve | TRES4001 | 810.09.1A2A | Misd | 1st |
16. | Grand Theft Motor Vehicle | THEF2201 | 812.014.2C6 | Fel | 3rd |
17. | Contempt Of Court | ADMIN007 | 901.11. | Infractions | |
18. | Obtain.Prop. For Worthless Ck.(Less Than $150) | WOCK2000 | 832.05.4 | Misd | 1st |
19. | False Name To Law Enforcement Officer | COPS2060 | 901.36.1 | Misd | 1st |
20. | Delivery Of Cocaine | DRUG1200 | 893.13.1A | Fel | 2nd |
21. | Possession Of Open Container | TPOR0064 | 003.40.B | Municipal/Local | |
22. | Manufacture Dist Dispense Posses Con Sub- Fed | USCA0003 | 021.841. | ||
23. | Operating Unregistered Vehicle | TRAF5015 | 320.02.1 | Misd | 2nd |
24. | Petit Theft 1st | THEF1010 | 812.014.2E | Misd | 1st |
25. | No Valid Drivers License | TRAF5099 | 322.03.1 | Misd | 2nd |
26. | Possession Of Cocaine With Intent To Sell Or D | DRUG1300 | 893.13.1A | Fel | 2nd |
27. | Possession Of Cannabis | DRUG2102 | 893.13.6A | Fel | 3rd |
28. | Aggravated Assault With Deadly Weapon | ASSA5005 | 784.021.1A | Fel | 3rd |
29. | Battery On A Law Enforcement Officer | BATT1010 | 784.03.1A | Fel | 3rd |
30. | Driving Under The Influence Unlawful Breath A | TRAF1015 | 316.193.1C | Misd | 2nd |
31. | Attaching Tag Not Assigned | TRAF5040 | 320.261. | Misd | 2nd |
32. | Possession Of Cannabis With Intent To Sell Or | DRUG2300 | 893.13.1A | Fel | 3rd |
33. | Aggravated Battery Deadly Weapon | BATT5000 | 784.045.1A2 | Fel | 2nd |
34. | Aggravated Battery (Deadly Weapon) | BATT5000 | 784.045.1A2 | Fel | 2nd |
35. | False Info On Pawnbroker Form (Under $300) | PAWN8010 | 539.001.8 | Fel | 3rd |
36. | Criminal Mischief Less Than $200 | CRMS1000 | 806.13.1B1 | Misd | 2nd |
37. | Obstructing Or Opposing An Officer With Violen | COPS2000 | 843.01. | Fel | 3rd |
38. | Burglary Of An Unoccupied Conveyance | BURG0022 | 810.02.1B4B | Fel | 3rd |
39. | Reckless Driving | TRAF3030 | 316.192. | Misd | 2nd |
40. | Felon In Possession Firearm Firearm Possess | GUNS0420 | 790.23.1 | Fel | 2nd |
41. | Obtain.Prop. For Worthless Ck (More Than $150) | WOCK3000 | 832.05.4 | Fel | 3rd |
42. | Disorderly Conduct | MISC0124 | 877.03. | Misd | 2nd |
43. | Fraudulent Use Of Credit Card Over $100 | FRAU3000 | 817.61. | Fel | 3rd |
44. | Robbery (Less Than $300) | ROBB3000 | 812.13.12C | Fel | 2nd |
45. | Aggravated Battery Great Bodily Harm | BATT5050 | 784.045.1A1 | Fel | 2nd |
46. | Criminal Mischief $200 To $1000 | CRMS2000 | 806.13.1B2 | Misd | 1st |
47. | Worthless Check | WOCK1000 | 832.05.2 | Misd | 1st |
48. | Forgery | FORG1000 | 831.01. | Fel | 3rd |
49. | Criminal Mischief $1000 Or More | CRMS3000 | 806.13.1B3 | Fel | 3rd |
50. | Carrying Concealed Firearm | WEAP1000 | 790.01.2 | Fel | 3rd |