As the use of commercial broadband cable modem’s flourishes, the opportunity for computer criminals or hackers to attack computers attached to these networks similarly has skyrocketed. Unbeknownst to most users, a cable modem provides easy access to an attached computer. Protection of these computers is a three-stage process. A first line of defense against malicious…
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There are secret messages in your documents that are not secret. Both major word processing packages, Word and Word Perfect, contain hidden information that unless carefully removed can be a rich source of information to an opponent to whom the document is digitally distributed. Documents contain far more information than can be seen on screen.…
Continue reading ›Phishing Phishing is not to be confused with ‘fishing.’ There is no cast net, no baiting of the hook, and no minnow awaiting a large-mouth bass. But there are plenty of wireless fly rods out there. What do I mean? Specifically, an enterprising nerd or computer wizard of the binary-off generation can send you a…
Continue reading ›For a decade or so marketing hype has promoted the paperless office. Courts have begun to accept and in some instances require filings to be digital, on diskette, and/or on paper. According to a recent study 41 states now allow digital copies of documents into evidence. Late in 2002, the Supreme Court of Florida ordered…
Continue reading ›Last year we published an article on securing a cable modem. In the few months since that article, new threats to computer security have arisen. Previously a hardware and/or software firewall coupled with anti-virus protection was sufficient. New threats have arisen from programs that are installed by mere visits to web pages. Recommendations for securing…
Continue reading ›Electronic fingerprints remain available for review if you know what to look for. The skeletal remains of files deleted or history of persons and places visited are seemingly hidden in the world behind the computer’s display. A plan to recover this information by a team with computer forensic expertise can be a powerful tool for…
Continue reading ›Beginning on July 2004, you will be filing electronically in the Clerk’s Office for the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida. This is the future. The train is leaving the station; you can be on it or under it. Worry not, since implementation of the system can be painless. At my…
Continue reading ›“If mission critical data is lost, then call in a pro. Finagling with missing or damaged files can render them irrecoverable.” Everyone has lost a document or probably will encounter someone who will try to “lose” a piece of evidence. On the innocent side, the computer could “freeze,” lose power, be hit by a hurricane,…
Continue reading ›Law Enforcement and attorneys for the other side have a team working against you. Why not have your own Forensics Team working for you? More than ninety percent (90%) of documents are now created electronically, and less than thirty percent (30%) of those electronic documents are ever converted to paper. Rules on preserving electronically stored…
Continue reading ›Cell Phone Search Warrant Up until quite recently, there were exceptions to the general requirement that police get a Search Warrant for a cell phone. Cell phones have been a window into suspects’ activities, as police used these exceptions to get their hands on information found inside mobile devices. Obtaining a Search Warrant for a cell…
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